Not only is he the best dancer in pretty much the whole word, but he's occasionally a pretty good graphic designer on the side. Once in a while he couldn't care less about graphic design (see photo)
Turns out I'll be designing more material for my friend Brad. I'm pretty excited. This one was just for starters ;)
October 9, 2009
I completely agree. My identity as a graphic designer needs a refresh, so I've been tooling around with typefaces, and have been thinking of DIN from the start. T-Star is my second consideration. I'm pretty much in love with it, especially the mono-spaced counterpart. I'm considering purchasing an entire family, but I'm still looking for other families that also tell the truth.
I saw this movie last night at a screening by AIGA Detroit. At first glance, it seems to speak about a glossed over design subculture. At second glance, it seemed overly self-conscious, not sure where it was heading, or what it really wanted to say. Many of the designers didn't have anything interesting to say about their passion for poster making, but rather opted to make painful jokes, say 'Fuck' repeatedly and get lost in their own banter. I was pretty disappointed. If I hadn't already known who Dan Ibera or Art Chantry were, I would have walked away still not knowing. I think it had a lot to do with the editing of the film. The beginning conversation about the overused Octopus imagery was an excellent start, and I was hooked. It went downhill from there.